upComing retreats
April 18 - 2 May, 2025 at Himladal Retreat Center is fully booked now!
You can join the waiting list here below.
The next retreat will be in April 18 - 2 May, 2026 at Ängsbacka
A time of increased frequency
We live in a time of increased frequency when our true nature vibrates with a stronger presence in the body and it’s possible to experience ourselves in truth, here and now. We are midwifed and initiated into living our potential and realizing our role here on our planet as sacred human beings, our interconnection and inter-reliability with all living beings on Grandmother Earth. We are awakening to love and remembering ourselves as intimate and sensitive, multi dimensional and magickal beings.
A dearmored body is open and welcomes this vibration as the pleasure and aliveness of Spirit.
It breaths effortlessly and spontaneously.
It expands and can morph into everything.
It grounds and embodies presence so that we are rooted in our experience.
it is relaxed and sensitive, responsive and ready.
This process is unique and weaves together heart, mind, body spirit and soul to a cohesive whole.
In this podcast, Åsa shares about her spiritual journey and the Shamanic Body Dearmoring life changing process.
About the process
Shamanic Body Dearmoring is a profound healing journey that loosens the pain tapes from the past held within the body. It frees and expands the overall life force energy and stimulates vital health and happiness. It is a modernised shamanic technique and ceremony that restores your natural balance and generates transformation on a cellular level. The process utilises pressure points, strong vibration, breath and the movement of your sexual energy through your whole body to loosen, break up, and remove your body’s armor.
A 15-day retreat
The process consists of a series of 13 dearmoring sessions.
Teachings, exercises and ceremonies are included to support the depth and integration of the process.
The five elements and the human aspects
Communication with the worlds of Grandmother Earth
How to step out of co-dependency and choose co-empowerment
Sacred Body Image – the five different Body Structures, a gateway to freedom
The human light body – (includes the five shields, assemblage points, fibers,
and the ten chakras)
Genital anatomy
Types and levels of orgasm - healing and awakening through sexual pleasure
Arriving here and being with what is, welcoming your experience and feeling everything
Forgiveness and reconciliation – return to Beauty
Life after dearmorering – to maintain the gain
Sweat lodge – a purification ceremony
Flowering Tree ceremony
Releasing karmic fiber ties
Nature walks
Medicine Wheel – the Circle of Life
Ancestor ceremony – healing our relations
Shield council – to gather and unite the inner family
Ceremony to heal and awaken the power of the womb
For physical awareness and embodiment as well as integrating the expansion we practice yoga, breath work, dance and movement.
Common effects reported from people
who have done the process are:
Life energy pulsates through the body with greater power and magnitude, life flows more easily and most experience a greater contact with themselves and with Spirit, a more honest intimacy in relationships and access to deeper and higher levels of pleasure and orgasm. In addition to this, a genuine need arises to engage activities that nourish the body, inspires the heart and motivates the mind – that which expresses our heart’s deepest longing as well as a will and desire to meet and explore that longing.
essence shining through
The retreat also include powerful ceremonies and practices to assist the process and the transmission of deep shamanic knowledge about the sexual energy, the feminine and the masculine, life patterns, the human being and connection with nature.
In the ancient cultures, as in the heart of all spiritual paths, sexuality is seen as our natural connection with Spirit. It is known as the fire that ignites, the engagement that restores balance and the pleasure that heals.
PriceS & Booking
Course fee
Early Bird Price until November 1st, 2025: 26 400 SEK inc VAT
Private person: 27 700 SEK inc VAT
Company invoice: 30 300 SEK inc VAT.
Please, notify in your registration form if you would like an invoice.
Room & Board
In addition to the course fee, you can choose between double or single room options:
Double room 12 880 - 15 344 SEK/person inc VAT
Single room SEK/person inc VAT
Booking fee
5 000 SEK is due upon registration. The booking fee is non refundable in case of cancellation. At cancellation, later than three weeks before the course start, even in case of sickness, the course fee minus the booking fee of 5 000 SEK can be moved to a later occurrence of Shamanic Dearmoring. No return of the course fee can be made later than 3 weeks before course.
The whole course fee needs to be paid and registered with us one month before the course start. We cannot guarantee your space at the course without full payment.
Read more about our booking conditions here.