
The Beloved

A dolphin Soul Journey


Next Journey

June 22 - 29, 2024


Have you ever imagined diving into the turquoise waters of the coral reef and becoming one with nature?

 That's the liquid symphony that awaits you at the exclusive The Beloved Soul Retreat, in Egypt aboard the yacht Nooraya. For seven days you can enjoy the natural spectacle of Sataya Reef, one of the most enchanting places in the Red Sea, where hundreds of dolphins gather to play and rest.

With the guidance of Asa Kullberg and Jennifer Pipolo you will discover how to enter into conversation with these magical animals with total respect and grasp their messages of joy and harmony. Be inspired by encountering dolphins, the clicks and sound waves they emit to feel your body flow, mind clear and consciousness awaken. Dance in their trails and light reflections to connect with your true essence, unconditional Love.


On this unforgettable adventure you will experience that time underwater is suspended. Immersed in wonder and inner peace, you will connect with your deepest life energies and receive insights into the life you desire. You will feel that you are free, loved and called to love.


You will also expand your awareness and celebrate the extraordinary evolutionary experience with the dolphins aboard the yacht, practicing meditations and sacred ceremonies together with Asa and Jennifer.

This unforgettable journey will be the beginning of your soul's new Journey....


What if you were playful as a dolphin?


Womb Dreaming
– Birthing your true Self

This is a retreat for woman who are pre or post menopause.
And who wish to/who are called to:

  • deepen your womb presence

  • increase receptivity as openness inside and relying on direct experience

  • nourish and cultivate your life force energy

  • relax the nervous system

  • experience the pleasure of feeling and sensing everything

  • transform, heal and liberate stuck unresolved patterns

  • dream consciously your future

  • actualize your birthing power

  • live truth, simplicity and love

  • celebrate the masculine

  • embody Spirit and open your Heart

  • enjoy blissful orgasm and a good laughter

  • act with free will choice in alignment with your true priorities.


Inquiries & contemplations

What is birthing?
Who is it that is walking this Earth?
What is your Purpose?

  • Womb Dreaming

  • Inquiry – contemplation

  • TAO Inner Alchemy and Qi Gong

  • Bone breathing

  • Yoga

  • Ceremony – Nature Walks


Prices & Booking


Cost for the Journey

  • Early Bird til March 15, 1550 Euro

  • Private person: 1700 Euro

  • Company invoice: 2125 Euro

Please notify on the registration form if you would like to receive a Company invoice.

Booking fee 

400 EuroWhen this has been paid your place is guaranteed.
The whole course fee needs to be paid and registered with us one month before the course starts.

We cannot guarantee your space at the course without full payment.


Have you ever imagined swimming with dolphins in their natural environment?

Listening and communicating with this community of infinite benevolence and the sea allows us to understand deeply the vital messages that dolphins have for humanity.